Democracy dies when dissent is silenced.

Many people come from places where voices were silenced. Civil liberties and human rights were ignored. Everyone deserves a platform to tell their own story, connect with others, and be heard. 

Misconceptions About Africa: The Hopeful Continent
The impacts of colonialism weren’t “supposedly negative,” they were, in fact, extremely so. Imperialists prevented progress throughout Africa as they pillaged the continent’s resources, devastated entire communities, threatened ecosystems, and actively tried to destroy African cultures. Fortunately, Africans have proven themselves resilient and capable of solving their own problems.
The Rise and Fall of Chavezian Venezuela
In Venezuela, numerous methods were implemented as part of the totalitarian regime’s efforts to gain and retain its power. The gradual process of de-democratization occurred throughout the past two decades beginning with the charismatic populist Hugo Chavez’s presidency and was further facilitated by corruption and the concentration of political and economic power in the military. He amassed a great deal of support due to his assertion that he could improve the country’s social conditions and address issues of extreme inequality and poverty.
The Significance in Discovering Homo Naledi
The recent discovery of Homo naledi in 2013 led to paradigm-shifting revelations. It suggests that the ancient Australopithecus could have also had at least some of the social or organizational skills attributed to more recent species of humans. How did we, Homo sapiens, not only survive, but also climb our way to the top of the food chain while other hominins went extinct?
The realities of neocolonialism can't be ignored, however; countries that previously colonized parts of Africa, Asia, and South America were able to obtain riches and build a stronger economy on the fruits and labor of the countries they colonized. They stalled and hindered progress in these nations as they exploited them. Its aftereffects continue to present themselves now by way of capitalism, as our world becomes increasingly divided between the wealthy and the poor as opposed to free versus colonized.
CRISPR: The Future of Medicine or The End of Humanity?
Eventually, some people will find a way to exploit this technology either for wealth, image, status, or success. If this could eventually lead to longer lives, there would certainly be people with disposable wealth willing to pay any price for immortality. Of course, we may be years away from this becoming a real issue. At least, I certainly hope so.
A Mother’s Influence
“Everything I have ever done I’ve done from a place of love. If I don’t punish you, the world will punish you even worse. The world doesn’t love you. If the police get you, the police don’t love you. When I beat you, I’m trying to save you. When they beat you, they’re trying to kill you.” - Patricia Noah
The Pursuit of Happiness
If we focus more on personal growth, foster quality relationships, and establish a sense of community by being kinder, more generous individuals we may finally ensure a steady supply of the positive feelings we so crave. These conscious everyday choices can ultimately assist us in the pursuit of true happiness.