What was your primary reason for leaving home?

Safety/Security. It was not safe at home due to war, armed conflict, high crime rate, or dangerous living conditions. (No votes)
Lack of Income/Opportunity. I wanted to pursue a higher education or achieve career goals that I could not fulfill at home.
Total votes: 2 (29%)
Environmental Reasons. The climate, weather, hazardous living conditions, or environment pressured me to move. (catastrophic event, pollution) (No votes)
Persecution. I risked ill-treatment because of my race, political beliefs, religion, or sexual orientation. (No votes)
Love/Relationships/Family. I found a partner/wife/husband who was living somewhere else and had to move or my family pressured me to move.
Total votes: 2 (29%)
Political Reasons. I did not agree with the way my government was operating. (No votes)
Personal Reasons. Something personal happened that made it impossible to stay at home. (Trauma, attacked by someone, end of relationship, disowned by family, etc)
Total votes: 1 (14%)
Avoiding Imprisonment. I had to leave because I risked being arrested. (Due to a crime, political reasons, etc.) (No votes)
Healthcare. I wanted access to better doctors and health care for myself or for a family member.
Total votes: 1 (14%)
Missionary/Employment. I was first sent overseas due to my missionary work, job, or the military.
Total votes: 1 (14%)
Total votes: 7