Do people think that lighter skin makes a person more beautiful or attractive in your society?

Yes and I agree. (No votes)
Yes but I don't agree.
Total votes: 2 (50%)
Maybe, but only sometimes. (No votes)
No, and I am glad.
Total votes: 2 (50%)
No, and I disagree. (No votes)
I do not want to answer this question. (No votes)
Total votes: 4

[POLL] Does colorism exist where you're from or at?

Colorism seems to be common in many societies. It is the belief that lighter skin is somehow more attractive, beautiful, or superior.

In many places, people try to prevent getting a tan while in others, people will spend money to get one.

I personally think that in many societies, it is just the remnant of an outdated concept that comes from colonialism and old ideas or beliefs. Of course, beauty is subjective and what is beautiful to one person might not be the case for another person. People should be comfortable in their own skin, and, in my eyes, nothing can make a person more attractive than their personality and kindness. That is just my humble opinion, and you may disagree with me.

I would love to hear what you think.
Democracy dies when dissent is silenced.

Re: [POLL] Does colorism exist where you're from?

Colorism is probably one of the ugliest reminders of neocolonialism in play.

There are beautiful people all around us regardless of the color of their skin. If anything, extra melanin means they have better protection against UV rays. Back home, many people prefer to stay indoors to avoid getting a tan, and I think it is absolutely ridiculous to miss out on life experiences or adjust your habits just to fit some unrealistic ideal put in place as a remnant of previous ideas of "whiteness" being superior or desirable.

I hope our world realizes that these unrealistic beauty standards that are propagated by the media are detrimental to our society and extremely racist.