Do you feel that can compete in the job market with your skills and experience?

Not at all, I cannot get the job I deserve. (No votes)
Not at all, I do not have the right skills to compete here.
Total votes: 1 (25%)
Maybe, but I would be more appreciated in another country.
Total votes: 1 (25%)
Maybe, but it requires more effort than in other places. (No votes)
Yes, more or less, I can get a better job here than in other places.
Total votes: 1 (25%)
Yes, definitely, it is easy to get a job right now.
Total votes: 1 (25%)
None of the above apply to me. (No votes)
Total votes: 4

Re: [POLL] Do you feel you can compete in the current job market?

Yes for skills and experience in the job market.

No, America hands down has the best job market. America has many health benefits ,workers rights, aswell as career advancement. Where as in most of other countries you select One or Two occupation and you stick with it.

All of Asia is underpaid for the amount of work they do.
All of Mexico is underpaid for the work they do in Mexico and USA.

The skills and experience you need requires mentality of starting at a grassroots level and working your way up. But having the flexibility to switch gears into another occupation.