What piece of technology would you be unable to live without? (Pick up to 3)

Total votes: 6 (33%)
Total votes: 4 (22%)
Total votes: 1 (6%)
Total votes: 4 (22%)
Heater/AC (No votes)
Total votes: 2 (11%)
Microwave (No votes)
Laundry Machine
Total votes: 1 (6%)
Social Media (No votes)
Cable TV/Digital Streaming (Netflix, Hulu, etc) (No votes)
Total votes: 18

Re: [POLL] What device can you never live without?

If I had to pick only one thing, it would probably be the internet or phone.

These days, we all rely on both of these to accomplish most tasks and stay in touch with our families. Especially with COVID-19, it became much harder to meet with or stay in touch with people or attend classes. Even doctor's visits were virtual for a long time at the beginning of shelter-in-place.

If I had to give up both of these things for a month, I would probably feel extremely isolated. On the plus side, it might encourage me to form more meaningful connections with the people immediately around me or find more opportunities to be outdoors.