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[POLL] What are your opinions on COVID-19?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:23 pm
by UnitedInMind
Do you think that COVID-19 is real? Is it serious?

Have you or anyone you know gotten COVID-19?

How did it affect them? Why do you think it affected them that way?

Re: [POLL] What are your opinions on COVID-19?

Posted: Tue Nov 23, 2021 3:50 pm
by Asha
It seems we have seen enough evidence that it is real and very serious, especially if we care about the well-being of others in our community.

I have known people who had it and didn't have any serious symptoms, and others who had extreme reactions and had to be hospitalized and put on a respirator. I have also known of people who passed away because of it. I wish I could say that the ones who had extreme reactions had pre-existing conditions or were unhealthy/elderly, but that was not always the case.

It seems unpredictable to me who it will affect in a more serious way and who it will not. The best thing we can all do is take the necessary precautions in my opinion. If everyone got vaccinated, we would protect our loved ones, our community, and ourselves. It would also be great to reach the ultimate goal of herd immunity, as we have with other diseases in the past such as measles.

Re: [POLL] What are your opinions on COVID-19?

Posted: Wed Nov 24, 2021 3:56 am
by EzekielJones
Yes, We all had COVID 3-5 Months prior before it was wide news. Its being used as a Political crutch currently to mask the failure of Americas Capitalism.