Welcome to the United In Mind Forum


Thank you so much for visiting our forum. Please join, look around, and share your thoughts, opinions, and stories.

Our world is getting smaller, and we are all becoming more interconnected in an increasingly multicultural world.

One of the major things that concerns me about our world is the recent resurgence of prejudice and racism in politics.

One of the best way to battle prejudice is to blur the lines that divide us between "us and the other" and find something to cooperate or collaborate on.

Often times, people make assumptions because they've never had the chance to get to know other groups of people who might not be similar to them in certain ways. This could include looks, cultures, beliefs, religion, political affiliation, and other factors.

The fact is, genetically, all humans are 99.9% similar, and our differences are just social and cultural constructions influenced by our societies and upbringing.

Most of us are more alike than we realize.

I hope that here, at least, we can start to blur those lines a little bit. Everyone deserves to tell their own stories and share their own experiences without relying on the media to tell it for us.

It's hard for some to feel empathy when they can't put a human face or story to those that may seem different from them.

Raising awareness is the first step towards understanding and empathy.

Please feel comfortable to share your opinions. As long as we can all remain RESPECTFUL in the words we choose to express our thoughts, all perspectives are welcome. Our experiences and circumstances often shape how we think, and hopefully this might give all of us a chance to learn something from each other.

Please be conscious of the words you choose. You may not know the challenges that someone else has been through.

Click here to introduce yourself to our community.
You are also welcome to start your own topics in any of the categories.

Note that I do not control the content of this forum. This forum is a community and its members are its foundation. If you see anything that violates the rules, is incorrect/buggy, please send any of the admins or moderators a message. (This includes me.) If you would like to volunteer as a moderator, please send me a private message. Moderators will have access to deleting forums and banning users so I would have to screen you beforehand.

Back home, when I was younger, the unspoken rule was that no guest leaves before eating something, so, while I have nothing to feed you, hopefully someone else on this forum will ensure you leave with some food for the mind or heart, instead.

Thank you again for stopping by.

United In Mind
Democracy dies when dissent is silenced.