Have you ever felt like people around you were judging you because of your culture/race/religion?

Always (No votes)
Very Often
Total votes: 1 (25%)
Total votes: 2 (50%)
Rarely (No votes)
Total votes: 1 (25%)
Total votes: 4

[POLL] Do people misunderstand your culture, country, ethnicity, race, or religion?

Sometimes people might make generalizations or assumptions about other people's culture, beliefs, and practices.

At times, this can make us a variety of emotions. We may feel judged, misunderstood, ashamed, or even proud.

Are there certain things that you think people misunderstand about your culture, country of origin, ethnicity, race, or religion?

What are some of these things and if you could explain or clarify to those who misunderstand, what would you want to say?
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