Democracy dies when dissent is silenced.

Many people come from places where voices were silenced. Civil liberties and human rights were ignored. Everyone deserves a platform to tell their own story, connect with others, and be heard. 


How to Help

Whether you'd like to offer your time, money, or both - any little bit helps. 

There are various ways you can contribute to organizations that provide various services to refugees, both locally and internationally. offers a list of local organizations.


As of November 2021, this website is completely self-funded (and I don't see that changing). If you'd like to donate, I would be both honored and grateful for any contributions made through this site. Any amount would be appreciated.

Donations are powered through Stripe and payment information is never stored by me. I chose Stripe because they don't charge monthly fees, have a pay-as-you-go model and only keep around 3.6% in commission fees.


Helping Boosts Happiness

Science says so!


Your time is valuable to them, too. Sometimes they may need help gathering, translating, organizing, etc.


Most organizations have lists of specific items they need & won't take used items due to COVID-19. Check their website in advance.


Donating money is always a good idea as a lot of these organizations depend largely on contributions.

Speak Up

There is a lot of misinformation about refugees and immigration. Spreading awareness helps, too.