Democracy dies when dissent is silenced.

Many people come from places where voices were silenced. Civil liberties and human rights were ignored. Everyone deserves a platform to tell their own story, connect with others, and be heard. 


Top 10 Origin Countries of

Displaced People


Top 10 Origin Countries in 2020[1]

82% of displaced people come from just these 10 countries.
It doesn't mean that anyone else who's been displaced but who's home country isn't listed here isn't equally as important, of course. It may even be harder for those of who you find fewer others from your home country in your situation, and I hope you will take advantage of the forum and our services just as anyone else. 


6.7 million refugees

0.1 million asylum seekers

[unknown] displaced abroad

1. Syria

Know more

0.2 million refugees

0.9 million asylum seekers

3.8 million displaced abroad

2. Venezuela

Know more
Flag_of_Afghanistan_(Colored_Emblem).svg (1)

2.6 million refugees

0.2 million asylum seekers

[unknown] displaced abroad

3. Afghanistan

Know more

2.2 million refugees

[unknown] asylum seekers

[unknown] displaced abroad

4. South Sudan

Know more
download (3)

1.1 million refugees

[unknown] asylum seekers

[unknown] displaced abroad

5. Myanmar

Know more

0.8 million refugees

0.1 million asylum seekers

[unknown] displaced abroad

6. Democratic Republic of the Congo

Know more

0.8 million refugees

0.1 million asylum seekers

[unknown] displaced abroad

7. Somalia

Know more

0.8 million refugees

0.1 million asylum seekers

[unknown] displaced abroad

8. Sudan

Know more
download (2)

0.6 million refugees

[unknown] asylum seekers

[unknown] displaced abroad

9. Central African Republic

Know more
download (1)

0.5 million refugees

0.1 million asylum seekers

[unknown] displaced abroad

10. Eritrea

Know more

السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُمْ

Assalamualaikum (peace be upon you)





Capital City: Damascus

Language: Arabic

Area: 185,180km2 or 71,500 sq mi (87th)

Population (2020): 17,500,657 (66th)

Population (2010): 21,018,834

6.8 million refugees + asylum seekers out of 13.5 million forcibly displaced

[ Summary ]

Political & economic instability and violence continues. More than 9.3 million Syrians are food insecure and over 80% live below the poverty line. The authoritarian regime arrests, tortures, or kills those who oppose them. The Syrian-Russian military alliance attacks schools, hospitals, markets, homes, and shelters. Hazardous living conditions. LGBTQ individuals are targets of sexual violence as well as women. Access to basic resources can be inconsistent.[24]

Unitary Dominant-Party

"A unitary state is a state governed as a single entity in which the central government is ultimately supreme. The central government may create (or abolish) administrative divisions (sub-national units). Such units exercise only the powers that the central government chooses to delegate." - Wikipedia

$15.183 billion (2017) (125th)
GDP Per Capita[43]
$2,032.62 (2007)
Human Development Index[21]
0.567 (151st out of 188)
GINI Index[44]
35.8 (2004) 

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Capital City: Caracas

Language: Spanish

Area: 916,444 km² or 353,841 mi² (33rd)

Population (2011): 23,054,985 (43rd)

1.1 million refugees + asylum seekers out of 5.9 million forcibly displaced

[ Summary ]

Lack of access to basic resources like healthcare, nutrition, and water. Human rights violations and lack of due process as the government detains and tortures opponents. Armed groups called colectivos collude with or are employed by the government to control and attack civilians, journalists, and political opponents. They engage in murder, rape, forced labor, and child recruitment to establish control.[24]

Federal Dominant-Party Socialist System

"Nicolás Maduro has been president of Venezuela from 2013 to the present. His rule has been marked by a continuation of Bolivarian socialist populist policies (at least until 2020), but also by a severe economic crisis -- hyperinflation (53,798,500% between 2016 and April 2019), escalating hunger, disease, crime and mortality rates, and mass emigration (almost 5 million from the country as of 2019). Extrajudicial killings of opposition by government forces are reported (by the United Nations) to include 6800 deaths as of 2019." - Wikipedia

GDP (PPP)[45]
$144.737 billion (2020 est) (79th)
GDP Per Capita[43]
Human Development Index[21]
0.711 (113 out of 188)
GINI Index[44]
44.8 (2006) 

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السَّلامُ عَلَيْكُمْ

Assalamualaikum (peace be upon you)





Capital City: Kabul

Language: Pashto, Dari

Area: 652,860 km² or 252,071 mi² (41st)

Population (2021): 39,835,428 (UN est.)

2.8 million refugees + asylum seekers prior to the 2021 Taliban takeover, which has greatly increased the number of displaced people

[ Summary ]

Afghanistan is of critical concern as, due to the Taliban takeover, the number of displaced people rose 73% (at least 230k people) in only 2 months between June and August 2021.[8] Sexual assault, torture, and the killing of civilians continues to go unpunished.[20] Lack of women's rights in various ways from lack of access to education to so-called "virginity tests."[24] Media is restricted and journalists are often targeted.[24] 
"The land that is now Afghanistan has a long history of domination by foreign conquerors and strife among internally warring factions." - PBS.[32] The lack of stability in the region allowed extremist Islamic groups such as the Taliban to gain power and enforce one of the strictest forms of Sharia law, which most Muslims throughout the world do not condone, infringing on a variety of basic tenets of human rights, for instance, young women's right to an education.

Totalitarian/Religious System

"Hibatullah Akhundzada is the Head of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, having authority on all political, military, religious decisions, and government appointments. As the third supreme leader of the Taliban, much of his work is done alongside the Rahbari Shura (Leadership Council) which oversees the Cabinet and Prime Minister of Afghanistan. The Rahbari Shura in conjunction with Akhundzada appoints individuals to key positions within the cabinet; which includes the positions of Prime Minister, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs, and Minister of the Interior." - Wikipedia

GDP (PPP)[45]
$78.88 billion (2019 est.) (113th)
GDP Per Capita[43]
$2,087 (2021 est.) (169th)
Human Development Index[21]
0.511 (169 out of 188)
GINI Index[44]

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South Sudan

Capital City: Juba

Language: English, Nuer, Murle, Luo, Dinka, Ma'di, Otuho, Zande (and 60 others)

Area: 644,329 km2 (248,777 sq mi) (41st)

Population (2020): 12,778,250 (75th)

4.3 million displaced people from South Sudan, including refugees, IDPs, and asylum-seekers, 2.2 million registered with UNHCR

[ Summary ]

Africa's newest country as of 2011. "Conflict, security forces’ violations, entrenched impunity, [lawlessness], all [...] enhanced by  [...] Covid-19. All armed groups committed abuses against civilians including unlawful killings, abductions, and sexual violence. The army and armed roups recruited and used children. Authorities [...] detain critics, including members of civil society and journalists, [without due process]." Humanitarian workers attacked. - Human Rights Watch[24]


Federal Presidential Constitutional Republic

"On 8 May 2021, South Sudan President Salva Kiir announced a dissolution in Parliament as part of a 2018 peace deal to set up a new legislative body that will number 550 lawmakers." - Wikipedia

GDP (PPP)[45]
$22.092 billion (2019 est) (140th)
GDP Per Capita[43]
$1119.65(2015 est.)
Human Development Index[21]
0.433 (185 out of 189)
GINI Index[44]
44.1 (2016)

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maingalarpar (hello)





Capital City: Naypyidaw

Language: Burmese, Kachin, Kayah, Karen, Chin, Mon, Rakhine, Shan


676,578 km2 (261,228 sq mi) (39th)

Population (2020): 53,582,855 (2017) (26th)

1.1 million refugees

[ Summary ]

Under military control as of Feb 1, 2021.[27] Politically unstable. Internal armed conflict between terrorists, ethnic groups, and the military has put civilians in danger. Issues include ethnic violence, drug trafficking, and crimes such as killings, rapes, gang rapes, and torture.[24] Media is largely censored along with opposition to the government. Young protestors have been killed during peaceful demonstrations.[27]

Unitary Assembly-Independent Republic

"In 2011, the military junta was officially dissolved following a 2010 general election, and a nominally civilian government was installed. This, along with the release of Aung San Suu Kyi and political prisoners, had improved the country's human rights record and foreign relations and has led to the easing of trade and other economic sanctions. There is, however, continuing criticism of the government's treatment of ethnic minorities, its response to the ethnic insurgency, and religious clashes. In the 2015 election, Aung San Suu Kyi's party won a majority in both houses. However, the Burmese military remained a powerful force in politics and, on 1 February 2021, again seized power in a coup d'état." - Wikipedia

GDP (PPP)[45]
$275.513 billion (2020 est) (50th)
GDP Per Capita[43]
$1400 (2020 est.)
Human Development Index[21]
0.583 (147 out of 189)
GINI Index[44]
30.7 (2017)

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Bonjour + Hello




Democratic Republic of the Congo

Capital City: Kinshasa

Language: French, Kikongo[a], Lingala, Swahili, Tshiluba

Area: 2,345,409 km2 or 905,567 mi² (11th)

Population (2020): 92,377,393 (15th)

0.9 million refugees + asylum seekers and more than 5,000,000 internally displaced

[ Summary ]

Likely the richest nation in resources (diamonds, gold, copper, oil, tin, and cobalt such as that found in lithium-ion batteries). Supplies more than half of the world's mined cobalt.
Congo's long history with violence under Belgian colonial rule over 50 years ago was one of horror as their colonizers regularly used threats, cruel physical abuse which included starvation, keeping people in zoos, cutting off hands and genitals of young children and/or their parents, flogging people to death, holding children ransom, and burning villages.[30] Not long after Congo gained independence in 1960, during a fragile period of political transition, Belgian officials had their leader, Patrice Lumumba, assassinated.[31] Since then, Congo has struggled with numeous long periods of violent internal power struggles.
Political instability and conflict continues, largely over power struggles and the desire to control the nation's resources. Over 120 armed groups are active and civilians are often victims of massacres, kidnappings, sexual violence, and more. Children are often taken for recruitment.[24] More than 1.7 million women have been raped.[25] At least 25% of the population lack consistent access to food & resources.[26] 

Semi-Presidential Republic

"The position of president in the DRC has existed since the first constitution – known as The Fundamental Law – of 1960. However the powers of this position have varied over the years, from a limited shared role in the executive branch, with a prime minister, to a full-blown dictatorship." - Wikipedia

GDP (PPP)[45]
 $83.112 billion (2019 est) (91st)
GDP Per Capita[43]
$1080 (2021 est.)
Human Development Index[21]
0.48 (175 out of 189)
GINI Index[44]
42.1 (2012)

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Soo dhowow!






Capital City: Mogadishu

Language: Somali, Arabic

Area: 637,657 km2 (246,201 sq mi) (43rd)

Population (2020): 15,893,219 (72nd) (est)

over 2.9 million displaced, most of them spread out amongst 2000 refugee camps

[ Summary ]

"Ongoing armed conflict, insecurity, lack of state protection, and recurring humanitarian crises exposed Somali civilians to serious abuse. There are an estimated 2.6 million internally displaced people (IDPs), many living unassisted and vulnerable to abuse." - Human Rights Watch[24]
"Federal and state security forces, as well as clan militias and al-Shabaab, continued to recruit and use children in armed conflict, in violation of national law. Children in Somalia are subjected to the worst forms of child labor, including in armed conflict." -[46]
Both male and female same-sex sexual activity is illegal and could be punished by up to death.

Federal Parliamentary Representative Democratic Republic.

"Government corruption remains a massive problem in Somalia, which is rated the most corrupt country in the world by Transparency International. Official fraud, theft and malfeasance have undermined decades of international efforts to rebuild a Somali state. Official venality is a major recruiting point for Al-Shabaab." - Dr. EJ Hogendoorn, Former Deputy Program Director, International Crisis Group, for Hearing of the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs on "Somalia's Security and Stability"

GDP (PPP)[45]
$13.324 billion (2019 est)
GDP Per Capita[43]
$888 (2019 est.)
Human Development Index[21]
0.285 (165 out of 188)
GINI Index[44]

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Capital City: Khartoum

Language: Arabic, English

Area: 1,886,068 km2 (728,215 sq mi) (15th)

Population (2020): 144,909,353 (33rd)(est)

1 million refugees and asylum seekers

[ Summary ]

Military coup as of October 2021. "History of political and economic instability. Newly transitioned to democratic rule. Violence and conflict continues in Darfur and Eastern Sudan. In the past, "armed militia groups [...] attacked a camp for displaced people and killed dozens of people, including children, raped women, and girls, destroyed schools, and burned homes, causing tens of thousands to flee." - Human Rights Watch[24]

Federal Provisional Government

"Sudan’s first year of a three-year transition to democratic rule following the dramatic ouster of President Omar al-Bashir in 2019, was marked by a failing economy, political tensions and continuing popular protests for justice and reforms. These challenges were compounded by the Covid-19 pandemic. The government introduced some reforms but has not yet implemented most of the institutional and law reforms called for in the August 2019 constitutional charter. Authorities did not release the results of a national investigation into the violent crackdown on protesters in Khartoum on June 3, 2019, in which more than 120 people were killed. In June, the International Criminal Court (ICC) took into custody its first suspect of serious crimes committed in Darfur." - Human Rights Watch[47]

GDP (PPP)[45]
$175.228 (2019 est) (73rd)
GDP Per Capita[43]
$549.47 (2019 est.)
Human Development Index[21]
0.51 (170 out of 188)
GINI Index[44]
34.2 (2014)

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Central African Republic

Capital City: Bangui

Language: Sango, French

Area: 622,980km² or 240,534 mi² (42nd)

Population (2020): 4.83 million (est)

738,000 internally displaced, out of over 1.5 million total displaced

[ Summary ]

In the middle of an ongoing civil war, made worse by the struggle for control over diamonds and other resources by interested parties both domestic and foreign. Some mines controlled by armed entrepreneurs who set up and collected illegal checkpoints and taxes. Instability and armed conflicts continue since a violent takeover of power occured in 2012-13. Civilians are often caught in the crossfire. Homicides, kidnapping, and crime are common.[22]  Children are forced into domestic servitude and commercial sexual exploitation.[17] Numerous human rights violations occur.[24] At least 50% of the population is displaced.[18] Ranked 188 out of 189 on the Human Development Index.[21] 

Semi-Presidential Republic

corrupt and unstable

"The government was deposed on 13 March 2003 by forces under the rebel leader Bozizé, who promised elections in 18 to 30 months. A new cabinet was set up on 1 April 2003. Elections were held on 13 March 2005. On 11 January 2013, a ceasefire was signed by the Séléka rebel coalition, which had aimed to bring down the government of President Bozizé. According to this agreement, a new unity government would be formed. The President would appoint a new prime minister from the opposition parties, and the National Assembly of the Central African Republic would be dissolved and new legislative elections would be held within twelve months. However, two months later, the Séléka rebels felt their terms were not being met, and at the culmination of the 2012-2013 Central African Republic conflict, they attacked and took the capital, Bangui. The president, Bozizé, fled to neighboring Cameroon via the Democratic Republic of Congo on 24 March 2013. On 14 December 2015, a new constitution by referendum and ratified on 27 March 2016. Since 30 March 2016, Faustin-Archange Touadéra is the president of the Central African Republic." - Wikipedia

GDP (PPP)[45]
$4.262 billion (2019 est) (165th)
GDP Per Capita[43]
$825 (2019 est.)
Human Development Index[21]
0.397 (188 out of 189)
GINI Index[44]

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Selam (hello)





Capital City: Asmara

Language: Tigrinya, Tigre, Saho, Kunama, Rashaida, Bilen, Afar, Beni Amir, Nera

Area: 117,601km² or 45,406 mi² (105th)

Population (2021): Between 3.6-6.7 million. Eritrea has never conducted an official government census.

522,000 displaced people registered

Some Eritreans leave the country not due to fear of safety or lack of love for their home but because they seek freedom and opportunity away from the oppressive regime, even if they still ultimately respect their dictator Isaias Afwerki for his role in liberating Eritrea - despite the odds. 

[ Summary ]

Previously colonized by Italy for 59 years, then placed under British rule for 11 years. Due to urges from the U.S., the U.N. decided Eritrea would be joined with Ethiopia, but retain its own autonomy with an Eritrean constitution and elected  government. Ethiopia prevented this and annexed Eritrea, triggering the 30-year-war for Eritrean independence.
Nationalism is indoctrinated, and due to the war with Ethopia, nearly every family sacrificed a loved one, adding to the sense of national pride that breeds cultural homogeneity. A lingering sense of distrust formed as the country is divided between those who oppose vs support the regime[29], even amongst the diaspora, much of whom pay a Diaspora Tax[28] of 2% of their overseas income, which makes up a large portion of the country's GDP & supports the government. Failure to pay can mean inability to obtain embassy services and/or risk the safety of family at home.
Citizens within Eritrea are forced into indefinite national service, often through conscription into the military though sometimes by way of civil duties[19] and can be detained at any time under crowded and inhumane conditions without due process. Torture is used for interrogation and punishment.[22] Media is censored, those who express negative opinions (in public or private) about the regime disappear, journalists go missing[22], and private internet access is unavailable.[23] Listed as Tier 3 country for human trafficking.[16]

Totalitarian/Unitary One-Party System

no constitution or national elections since independence in 1993, isolated & secretive

Eritrea is a unitary one-party presidential republic in which national legislative and presidential elections have never been held. Isaias Afwerki has served as president since its official independence in 1993. According to Human Rights Watch, the Eritrean government's human rights record is among the worst in the world. The Eritrean government has dismissed these allegations as politically motivated. Freedom of the press in Eritrea is extremely limited, the Press Freedom Index consistently ranks it as one of the least free countries. As of 2021 Reporters Without Borders considers the country to have the overall worst press freedom in the world as all media publications and access are heavily controlled by the government." - Wikipedia

GDP (PPP)[45]
$11.010 billion (2020 est.) (156th)
GDP Per Capita[43]
$1,625.50 (2011 est.) (156th)
Human Development Index[21]
0.459 (180 out of 189)
GINI Index[44]

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"We realize the importance of our voices only when we are silenced." - Malala Yousafzai

She fought for the right to an education, was shot in the head for it, recovered, and never gave up.



“The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.” - Albert Einstein

Few know that Einstein was a refugee; it took him 7 years to get citizenship after arriving in the US in 1933.
